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gameCamera - Variable in class net.athonedevs.krork.Krork
GameCamera - Class in net.athonedevs.krork.utils
GameCamera(KrorkAPI, float, float) - Constructor for class net.athonedevs.krork.utils.GameCamera
The default Game Camera constructor.
getAchievementById(int) - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.achievements.AchievementManager
getAlpha() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.nysvaui.helpers.NysvaColor
Returns the alpha component in the range 0-255.
getAnimation() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.tiles.Tile
getAnimations() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.entities.Entity
getAPI() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.entities.Entity
getAPI() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.entities.EntityManager
getAPI() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.Krork
getAPI() - Method in class
getArmor() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.entities.Entity
getAttackCooldown() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.entities.Entity
getAttackTimer() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.entities.Entity
getAttributes() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.items.Item
getBackground() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.nysvaui.components.base.UIBlock
getBackground() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.nysvaui.components.border.UIBorder
getBlock() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.nysvaui.components.button.UIButton
getBlue() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.nysvaui.helpers.NysvaColor
Returns the blue component in the range 0-255 in the default sRGB space.
getBorderRadius() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.nysvaui.components.border.UIBorder
getBorderSize() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.nysvaui.components.border.UIBorder
getBounds() - Method in class
getBounds() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.entities.Entity
getBounds() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.nysvaui.helpers.UIDimension
getCanvas() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.display.Display
getCollisionBounds(float, float) - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.entities.Entity
getCollisionEntity() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.entities.Entity
getCollisionID() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.entities.Entity
getColor() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.nysvaui.helpers.NysvaColor
getColor() - Method in enum net.athonedevs.krork.utils.Colors
getComponentID() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.nysvaui.NysvaUI
getCurrentFrame() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.animation.Animation
Returns the current image at the point
getDamage() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.entities.Entity
getDeaths() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.stats.Stats
getDescription() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.achievements.Achievement
getDirection() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.entities.Entity
getDirection() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.entities.Location
getDirection() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.saves.EntityData.LocationUtils
getDisplay() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.Krork
getEngineVersion() - Static method in class net.athonedevs.krork.utils.Updater
getEntities() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.entities.EntityManager
getEntityCollision(float, float) - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.entities.Entity
getEntityData() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.saves.EntityData
getEntityID() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.entities.Entity
getEntityID() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.saves.EntityData
getEntityManager() - Method in class
getEntityName() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.entities.Entity
getEntityOnLoc(float, float) - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.entities.EntityManager
Gets the Entity which are at the given location
getEntitySave() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.saves.Save
getFirstRun() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.stats.Stats
getFont() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.gfx.Fonts
Generates the font
getFont() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.nysvaui.NysvaUI
getFrame() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.display.Display
getFrames() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.animation.Animation
getGame() - Static method in class net.athonedevs.krork.Krork
getGameCamera() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.api.KrorkAPI
getGameCamera() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.Krork
getGameFont() - Static method in class net.athonedevs.krork.api.KrorkAPI
getGreen() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.nysvaui.helpers.NysvaColor
Returns the green component in the range 0-255 in the default sRGB space.
getHealth() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.entities.Entity
getHeight() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.api.KrorkAPI
getHeight() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.entities.Entity
getHeight() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.Krork
getHeight() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.nysvaui.helpers.UIDimension
getHeight() - Method in class
getIcon() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.achievements.Achievement
getId() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.achievements.Achievement
getId() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.attributes.Attribute
getId() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.items.Item
getId() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.tiles.Tile
getImage() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.nysvaui.components.images.UIImage
Gets all the images
getImage() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.tiles.Tile.SubTile
getIndex() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.animation.Animation
getItemByID(int) - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.items.ItemManager
Gets the Item by its ID
getKeyManager() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.api.KrorkAPI
getKeyManager() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.Krork
getKiller() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.entities.Entity
getKills() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.stats.Stats
getKrork() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.api.KrorkAPI
getLastAttackTimer() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.entities.Entity
getLocation() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.entities.Entity
getLocation() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.saves.EntityData
getMaxCharacters() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.nysvaui.components.field.UIField
getMaxHealth() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.entities.Entity
getMaxHeight() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.nysvaui.helpers.UIDimension
getMaxWidth() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.nysvaui.helpers.UIDimension
getMouseManager() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.api.KrorkAPI
getMouseManager() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.Krork
getMouseX() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.input.MouseManager
getMouseXClick() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.input.MouseManager
getMouseY() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.input.MouseManager
getMouseYClick() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.input.MouseManager
getMove() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.achievements.Achievement
getName() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.attributes.Attribute
getName() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.items.Item
getObject(long) - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.nysvaui.NysvaManager
Gets an specific object
getObjects() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.nysvaui.NysvaManager
getOptions() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.options.OptionsManager
getParent() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.nysvaui.NysvaUI
getPlayerSave() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.saves.Save
getPlayerX() - Method in class
getPlayerY() - Method in class
getPrefix() - Method in enum net.athonedevs.krork.utils.Log.LogType
getRed() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.nysvaui.helpers.NysvaColor
Returns the red component in the range 0-255 in the default sRGB space.
getRefX() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.nysvaui.helpers.UIDimension
getRefY() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.nysvaui.helpers.UIDimension
getRGB() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.nysvaui.helpers.NysvaColor
Returns the RGB value representing the color in the default sRGB ColorModel.
getRoundRadius() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.nysvaui.components.base.UIBlock
getSpeed() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.animation.Animation
getSpeed() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.entities.creatures.Creature
getSpeed() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.nysvaui.components.base.UIRainbowBlock
getState() - Static method in class net.athonedevs.krork.state.State
getStatsFile() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.saves.Save
getSubID() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.tiles.Tile.SubTile
getSubTile(int) - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.tiles.Tile
getSubtiles() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.tiles.Tile
getText() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.nysvaui.components.field.UIField
getText() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.nysvaui.components.text.UIText
getTextColor() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.nysvaui.components.text.UIText
getTexture() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.entities.Entity
getTexture() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.items.Item
getTexture() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.tiles.Tile
getTile(int, int) - Static method in class net.athonedevs.krork.tiles.TileManager
getTile(int, int) - Method in class
getTiles() - Method in class
getTimePlayer() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.stats.Stats
getTrackingArea() - Method in class
getUIDimension() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.nysvaui.NysvaUI
getUiManager() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.input.MouseManager
getUiManager() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.state.DefaultState
getValue(String) - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.options.OptionsManager
getVersion() - Static method in class net.athonedevs.krork.Krork
getVersionNumber() - Static method in class net.athonedevs.krork.Krork
getVolume() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.options.Options
getWidth() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.api.KrorkAPI
getWidth() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.entities.Entity
getWidth() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.Krork
getWidth() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.nysvaui.helpers.UIDimension
getWidth() - Method in class
getWindowType() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.options.Options
getWorld() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.api.KrorkAPI
getWorld() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.entities.Location
getWorld() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.saves.EntityData.LocationUtils
getWorldName() - Method in class
getWritingTo() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.input.KeyManager
getX() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.achievements.Achievement
getX() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.entities.Entity
getX() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.entities.Location
getX() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.nysvaui.helpers.UIDimension
getX() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.saves.EntityData.LocationUtils
getXDistance(Location) - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.entities.Location
getXMove() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.entities.creatures.Creature
getXOffset() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.utils.GameCamera
getY() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.achievements.Achievement
getY() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.entities.Entity
getY() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.entities.Location
getY() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.nysvaui.helpers.UIDimension
getY() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.saves.EntityData.LocationUtils
getYDistance(Location) - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.entities.Location
getYMove() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.entities.creatures.Creature
getYOffset() - Method in class net.athonedevs.krork.utils.GameCamera
GREEN - net.athonedevs.krork.utils.Colors
GREEN - Static variable in class net.athonedevs.krork.nysvaui.helpers.NysvaColor
gValue - Variable in class
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